Pete Kappelman
SVP, Member & Government Relations
Pete Kappelman brings a lifetime of experience to the role of Senior Vice President of Member and Government Relations, as a successful crop and dairy farmer along with his advocacy experience and board involvement with many agricultural organizations.
Pete has been a leader in working with legislators on important ag policy issues including the Farm Bill, climate, trade and immigration. He also served as an Ag Policy Advisor to the Administration for the United States Department of Agriculture and the Office of the United States Trade Representative and was named Director of the Year in 2018 by the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives.
Pete’s current board service includes the National Milk Producers Federation, the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, and the Graduate Institute of Cooperative Leadership.
Pete is a fourth-generation farmer, having led Meadow Brook Dairy Farms, LLC. Kappelman received a Bachelor of Science from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison
National Milk Producers Federation Board of Directors
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Board of Directors
Graduate Institute of Cooperative Leadership Board of Directors